Archive for April, 2009

It is not always warm and fuzzy

Posted in Personal on April 30, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

asher-n-william-00062361Sometimes it’s squishy sweet potatoes between the toes.

The picture above was taken about 6 weeks ago on my birthday.  That day was perfect, enjoyable, and I was filled to overflowing with joy about my life and having a wonderful husband and two baby boys.  Last night was not filled with the same sort of emotions.  I was  going on the third day of Ryan working his day job  from morning to night.  I was also working my day job (24 hr. day job) from morning to night.   After three days flying mostly solo I was so tired.  I was tired of tantrums, fits, food on the floor, and a messy house that I haven’t had time to properly clean. 

So about the not so warm and fuzzy. It was 7pm and I finally was eating my dinner.  Did I tell you that I was sooo tired and hungry?  Ryan and I were trying to have a conversation between the cooes, cries, and screams to be finished.  I just had three bites left of my dinner and Asher is begging to get down.  He is signing finished and yelling done.  I just want to eat my last three bites.  He wants ou.  And after getting he will probably soon throw a fit to go downstairs.  And no he doesn’t want to go down alone, he wants to be escorted by either mommy or daddy.   I am tired of tantrums. OK, I give in so he will stop hollering “done” and I went to get him down.

As I round the corner  of Asher’s chair, I had forgotten that early to my disgust Asher had thrown dropped some sweet potatoes on the floor.  He had given me notification earlier by saying “NO, NO”.  At this moment I had forgotten and when I rounded his chair my foot squished into the pile of sweet potatos.  With sweet potatos between my toes and Asher cover from head to toe with sweet potatos I was not feeling delighted. 

I cleaned Asher up.  He threw a few more tantrums before going to bed and we were all glad at 8pm when the day was done and then we could start fresh tomorrow.

Favorite things: Edition W

Posted in Favorite things, Personal on April 28, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

Will loves


have a bath


Will also loves to eat his fingers.

He can fit not one, not two, but three fingers in his mouth. 

Check out his skills here.



 Oh, I think he wants out now. 











 Here he is clean and ready for a LOOONG nap.


Excitement in our backyard

Posted in Personal on April 24, 2009 by beingfrankphotography


If you look really closely, through the trees, ( I am glad there weren’t any leaves) you can see a helicopter.  The helicopter was lower than the tops of the trees.




You have to look even closer to see the helicopter through the trees here, but you can see all of the white caps that it is making.



Later we went out again hoping to see the helicopter even closer.

Here is us waiting.



We were left waiting.

In and Out. Up and Down.

Posted in babes, Personal on April 23, 2009 by beingfrankphotography



















Yes,    please   get   DOWN…   that   I   have taken   your    picture.

A Fabulous Wedding

Posted in Fun Friday on April 17, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

_dsc0850It is Friday.  And for “Fun Friday” I can’t help but post one of our most fun wedding shoots.  We had so mcuh fun with Shawn and Donita Frank.  We laughed so much and it was awesome that they were up for whatever we asked them to do.  Thanks Shawn and Donita.  Here are a few pictures from their shoot.










Carrying on Tradition

Posted in Personal on April 16, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

You know when you fill out some forms you have to mark what nationality you are?  I always just have to mark the one that says caucasion.  I always think that that is boring.  I sometimes (well often) wish I could mark another box.  I have always wanted to belong to another culture that has tradition and culture.  White just seems boring.  Now that I have a husband and two kids I feel like we have a family.  And a family should have some traditions.  The boys are still young and I have been slow to add in the culture/tradition.  But this year for Easter we carried on a favorite Easter tradition from my favorite Grandma.  It is to have a pinata.   And since there arn’t any cousin’s on my side of the family we brought the pinata to the Frank’s. 


Here is Asher helping load the pinata. Every good pinata needs lots of candy.


Every Pinata destoryer should have a good blindfold.


Every pinata destoyer should be spun around several times.

easter-09-0007127easter-09-00071201And then all little children should be held back so they don’t get hurt.










I love this tradition!

Your Deadline Is Today

Posted in Uncategorized on April 15, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

For all of us Americans today is the day we need to have our taxes done.  So Happy Tax Day!


To The Park We Will Go…with grandma and grandpa in tow

Posted in Personal, Uncategorized on April 13, 2009 by beingfrankphotography



Grandpa with his high style hat


Asher looking so grown up


Daddy and Asher playing


Grandma smiling in the background, and Asher just before he  flips over to his tummy


Will slept our whole walk and the whole time we were at the park.  And just in case you were wondering if he ever gets his picture taken…he does.  Here he is with his bright blue eyes chewing on his fingers.


Posted in Fun Friday, Personal on April 10, 2009 by beingfrankphotography

The other morning I was getting Asher’s oatmeal ready and I asked him if he wanted some banana with his oatmeal.  He said….BA  (click of the tongue) Nana.

Spring is here

Posted in Personal on April 9, 2009 by beingfrankphotography


Here is Asher sneaking out the door as we had just come home from

the grocery store.  He is excited to be outside.

Reasons I am excited about spring….

I can almost run out the door barefoot

There is plenty of opportunities for walks without bundling up (us and the children) …and Ryan and I can have an uninterrupted conversation (while the kids are contained and content in their strollers)

Swinging at the park

I can pull out the flip flops

Walks to work off the baby pounds

The sunshine just makes my heart happy

And maybe time outside will make for sleepier children and earlier bed times.

…here’s to hoping!

And tonight it is steaks on the grill with friends.